Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Fr. MacRae: When Bad Things Happen to Good People


How do the broken-hearted do penance for Lent? Why does it always seem as though the unjust thrive while good people with good hearts struggle?  The basic answer is that there ARE no answers.  But These Stone Walls might be on the trail of one. Don't miss: "The Gravity of Grace: When Bad Things Happen to Good People."

The Gravity of Grace: When Bad Things Happen to Good People

by Fr. Gordon J. MacRae

on March 7, 2012 · 5 comments
The Magnificent Seven, When bad things happen to good people, Pillars of the Earth, No Crueler Tyrannies, trust in divine providence, Fr. Gordon J. MacRae, These Stone Walls, Eli Wallach, Yul Brynner, Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson, Robert Vaughn, Horst Bucholtz , sacrifice, tyranny, frontier justice, bullies, Ken Follett, Kingsbridge England, Divine Providence, Angelic Observer, bigger picture, St. Maximilian Kolbe, Annunciation

A great Western, The Magnificent Seven is a film about how tragedy, suffering, and even sin can be transformed in God’s plan into instruments of grace.

“If God did not want them sheared,” He would not have made them sheep!”

That cynical line was delivered by actor Eli Wallach in the great 1960 Western film, The Magnificent Seven. Eli Wallach portrayed the leader of a gang of marauding bandits who terrorized and extorted a small, peaceful Mexican farming village. The famous quote jumped out at me as a perfect start for this post about when bad things happen to good people.

Read the article here:

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