Sunday, November 16, 2014

6 Tactics Satan Uses To Divide the Faithful

English: Gossip sisters and the devil
English: Gossip sisters and the devil (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Goal of the Devil: to Divide us, to Tear Apart the Community of the Faithful.

by Father Chris Pietraszko:
  1. Create the façade that peace can be experienced between others in heart, while compartmentalizing the mind. That is to say, all that matters is the motives, but not the truth. From this springs pluralism, and the only thing intolerable is disagreement.
  2. Gossip. The devil whispers truths and lies into our ears about others. We judge the motives of others, and think the worst of them, typically out of our own wounded heart.
  3. Communal Venting. When you get together with likeminded friends to gossip and discuss how terrible another person is without getting to actually know them. This is one of the hardest things to break apart, because people are reinforcing a lie, giving it even more weight because it is believed by many, and in the air you breath.
  4. Judging others – when you are offended by a miscommunication, and automatically assume the worst. Always ask before assuming “they are out to get you.”
  5. Projecting – sometimes you might have a history of rejection, and project that on other’s behaviour. Give everyone a fair chance, don’t allow your wounds to dictate judgment on others.
  6. Speaking the truth without love. It is venomous and actually a distorted truth.
from Courageous Priest 

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