Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Mary TV Daily Reflection 11/12/2014

(c)Mary TV 2014
Vicka praying with the heart for pilgrims! 

November 12, 2014
St. Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr

Dear Family of Mary!

"Dear children... you who strive to say your prayers with the heart;" (November 2, 2014)

Praying with the heart is one of the fundamental calls of Our Lady of Medjugorje. The visionaries always mention prayer with the heart as one of the most important messages. And yet they cannot tell us how to pray with the heart. At most they tell us that to pray with the heart we must begin to pray, just do it. Here is what Vicka says about prayer:

When Our Lady asks us to pray, she does not wish us to pray only with words, she wants us to open our hearts more and more every day so that prayer will truly become joy. Our Lady also says that, before we start to pray, we should get rid of all thoughts that bother us by praying an Our Father. She also says, "Pray to your almighty Father in Heaven, who is full of immeasurable love, who loves us so much, and give Him all your wishes and all your problems. Allow Him to transform everything for the best, that His will may be done, not ours."

The next day, we shall add a Hail Mary; let us greet our Mother, whom we see with the eyes of our heart, who is always close to us and who loves us so much. The day after tomorrow, we shall add a Glory Be and so honor our Father. We should be grateful for everything that He gives us, for the good and the bad, so that we can comprehend that everything comes from Him.

In this way, our heart will open more every day and we will think about the words we speak; this is how we will learn the meaning of these words and how to live them...She teaches us that praying with the heart cannot be learned by studying, but only through prayer, by taking one step forward each day. (Kresimir Sego. "A Conversation with the Visionaries". P. 113-114)

Vicka has certainly learned to pray with the heart! When she gives her talk to the pilgrims in Medjugorje, she will speak for maybe 20 minutes, and then she prays for 30 or 40 minutes, in silence, with all the pilgrims. She just dives into prayer, and she can't seem to quit!

I had a little teaching from the Lord about prayer with the heart the other day. I had a restless night's sleep. It seemed that I was worrying about many things, and so my sleep was fitful. I could hear myself speaking to the Lord, but I was mostly just spouting off my worries. "Lord, do this. Lord, don't let this happen. Lord, don't forget this person....." It wasn't really prayer, it was more like a worry session.

As I was getting up, I felt the Lord gently speak in my heart. He said, "You know if you would just really talk to me about these things, I could help you." That was all. But I got the message. Jesus wants to help me. But when I worry-pray, I don't give Him a chance to help me. I just keep throwing my worries His way, hoping He will catch them. It seems like I don't want a relationship with Him, in which He can help me with my burdens, I just want to get rid of my worries. I want Jesus to be my problem solver, but He really wants to be my friend.

I received so much peace from those few words from Jesus. "You know if you would just really talk to me about these things, I could help you." Jesus was showing me how to pray with the heart. I think it means to just really talk to Jesus, to talk to Him as a friend. I suspect the Father would like it if I would just really talk to Him, as my father. And the Holy Spirit would like it if I would just really talk to Him as my counselor and help. Just to really talk to them is all it takes.

Well, with Vicka as an example, and with my little word from Jesus, maybe I can learn to pray with the heart. It still blows me away that Jesus would like to help me. One step forward, day by day!!!

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2014

"Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world."
Saint John Paul II
Be connected! 

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